It’s 2025! Predictions “way back when” said by now we’d travel in flying cars, have robots cleaning our homes, all while living in a futuristic landscape of glass and steel. While we see glimpses of those predictions, others are still far in the distant future.
What we do know about the future is that we serve Jehovah Shammah – the God Who Is There (Ezekiel 48:35). God is with us right now and He will always be with us in the future. Praise the Lord that the promises of His Word are right and true!
You and I may never meet Rahmi*, a young South Asian girl (pictured right), but because you prayed and gave to Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM), she is now hearing about God on her new audio Bible. She is learning that Jehovah Shammah loves her, sent His Son to die for her, and rose again so that she (and we) can live with Him forever. Please pray that, in a country hostile to Christians, Rahmi will soon give her heart to Jesus and live her life for Him, knowing that God will never, ever leave her. Thank you.
British Theologian Rev. Dr. Chris Wright, says “Let’s not imagine that people who are unreached ‘by us’ are unknown by God.” God sees every person and their need for Him. As we share God’s Word with least-reached people, we know God is already there. God knows them and has not forgotten them. Praying and working together we’re reaching people in South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, West Africa, and Latin America with the good News of the Gospel. Thank you for answering the call to connect them with God’s Word in their own heart language. We can’t do it without you.
As we dive into 2025, let’s commit to telling everyone we know about God who loves them and will never leave them – Jehovah Shammah. Praise His Holy Name!