The vast, arid landscape stretched before Abel*. Despite the sweltering heat, he and Setta* were filled with purpose. These Gospel Partners, trained in Bible Engagement, were eager to return and see how the seeds of faith—planted through audio Bibles—had taken root in five people groups of this remote region of South Asia.
What stories would they hear? What had God already done through the audio Bibles delivered, and the Bible stories told?
When they arrived, Wisdal*, a devoted husband and father of six, stepped forward. For years, he said he and his family had clung to amulets, for protection and good fortune. Yet, they lived with a pervading sense of unrest and uncertainty.
Everything changed when Wisdal decided to listen to Scripture. As he learned about Jesus, Wisdal’s faith grew, quietly at first. Soon, the changes became evident to those around him.
Moved by the peace he exhibited, Wisdal’s family joined him in listening. It became a family event. God’s Word resonated deeply with each one, giving hope and purpose.
Together they decided to throw away their amulets. Their trust in physical charms was replaced by a steadfast faith in Christ and the teachings of the Bible.
“We no longer feel the need for amulets or the guidance of gurus. We found everything we need in the words of Christ.”
God is using His Word in a powerful way! Wisdal’s family is just one example of spiritual hunger in this vast region. Most are still waiting to hear the Bible in their own heart language. However, as faithful saints pray and share His Word, we know God will bring good fruit, even from the most unexpected places.
Audio Scripture Ministries is a faithful partner of The Bolick Foundation.
* names changed for security