This Will Bring Revival

“I am 68, and I have never heard these things,” shared Kenyan Pastor Rafael. His excitement was contagious after being trained by ASM Bible Engagement Director Dr. Tara Rye and Gospel Partners Pastor David Gargule (Tirrum Trust) and Helen Etyang (Theovision International Kenya). 

Driving over 650 miles round-trip, Tara, David, and Helen trained over 110 Kenyan pastors and leaders in sharing the “Six Acts of the Bible”—which demonstrates how the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is fulfilled in the Gospel. “It is amazing that we can now tell the whole Bible story so simply. And it [encompasses] the Gospel,” marveled Pastor Daniel.

Simultaneously, Gospel Partners Danna and Emily (with Pads4Pupils) trained 1000+ nearby students and teachers in women’s hygiene, also providing care supplies to each participant. The hygiene training was so well received that village chiefs wanted to support getting the training into more local schools.

Your prayer and support made it possible to serve seven different nomadic tribes in three locations, investing in those who will continue to sow seeds of God’s Word for a bountiful Gospel harvest.

The impact was immediate and profound. “There is one problem,” declared Chief Stephen. “You need to come for a week. Two days is not enough. But what you have done in a very short period of time will be with us … even to the next generation.” Chief Stephen added, “This will bring revival to the Rendille—it’s very important.”

As pastors eagerly translated stories into their languages, the seeds of multiplication took root. One leader called Helen later, saying, “I want to be one of your trainers.” He wants to be equipped to do what Tara taught them and take it out
to more villages

Shortly after, David received a text from another leader asking, “Why have you gone to Post, Korr, and Archer’s Post and skipped over [our village]? Why did you not bring this training to us?” God is already multiplying the spread of His Word. Before this trip was even completed, He was already paving the way for a future training trip. In collaboration with Tara, David and Helen have begun plans to return to this and other villages to train more leaders in Bible Engagement so they can more effectively make disciples among these rural, nomadic
people groups

Your support of ASM Bible Engagement is helping cultivate a spiritual harvest across rural areas of Kenya, and beyond. Thank you for equipping pastors and Christian leaders with the tools they need to share God’s Word more widely and train other leaders in God’s Word.

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