“Our Manyatta [encampment] is bursting with God’s Word”!—the village chief told Pastor David, one day after our national partner delivered the audio Bibles you provided.
Your gifts to “Audio Bibles – Where Most Needed” meant Pastor David, and Helen at TheoVision Kenya, could equip young leaders, pastors, and other church leaders (pictured, below left) with SD cards of audio Bibles and Bible Engagement Resources in local languages.
Traditionally, nomadic people love to tell stories. In the evening children hear time-honored stories and stories of daily events. Pastor David is training leaders to use audio Bibles and also tell Bible stories. He shares that participants are energized by learning how to use stories to share the gospel.
Pastor David reports great excitement from the community. The village chief called him to say: “It’s God speaking to us through our heart language! God is speaking Rendille. Thank you for coming to us and bringing Jesus to us.”
Life in Northern Kenya is not easy. This desert region is one of the poorest and least developed in Kenya. Continued drought has brought great hardship as boreholes dry up, water becomes scarce and livestock die.

Through ASM Integral Mission, generous donors also provided Pastor David, in Korr, Kenya, with 10 trucks of 20,000 liters of water each (one truck pictured, right). Thank you for providing much-needed relief in an area where water is a precious commodity, and people live far from water resources.
Your prayers and financial support are helping the Rendille hear God’s Word in their own language – and learn how to share the Gospel in stories! Pray for this region to receive physical rain, and also for spiritual showers of blessing!