The Water That Satisfies

Until I visited the Northern Kenyan desert in January, I’d never experienced such dry and dusty conditions.

Four years with little or no rain. It was hard to imagine, until seeing it. Relief organizations say this is the worst regional drought in a decade. Villages move to follow water. Women and children walk 10-20 kilometers regularly to draw water from nearly-dry wells. Crops die and livestock suffer.

Praise God for the partnerships He is bringing to Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM) with Genesis Waters and other groups, to bring not only fresh, clean water, but also share Living Water. Would you pray for rain for Kenya, Somalia, Chile and other countries experiencing significant drought, and for our partners who are meeting this need in the name of Jesus?

Would you also pray for spiritual rain—that the refreshing, cleansing, eternal-hope-giving Gospel of Jesus will soon become a “spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:17) in villages and communities around the world?

Already in 2023 God has used your prayers and financial support to develop exciting new partnerships to share His Word in Mexico, Greater South Asia, South Sudan, Kenya, and here in the U.S.

Praise the Lord!

Dr. Tara Rye, ASM’s Bible Engagement Director, joined me on the Northern Kenya trip. Together we learned about Bible translation, audio Bible recording and audio Bible distribution projects underway, explored Bible Engagement training opportunities for pastors, and discussed other ways to share the Gospel through a radio station.

The people of Northern Kenya are hungry and thirsty for the Gospel, and our partners there are doing incredible work sharing Jesus in word and deed. Yet, many more still need to hear. Would you please pray for discernment as we consider what God would have us do, and how we should partner so that His name will be known?

Water is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible, including in Genesis 1:1, and in the last chapter of Revelation (22:17). Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman and reminded her that regardless of how much water was drawn from Jacob’s well, she would again become thirsty. Yet, He offered her hope, “… but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:17, NIV).

How is God preparing you this year to help those who are thirsty to find refreshment for their dry, weary souls and new life in Jesus? An estimated 3-billion people globally still need to hear about Jesus.

Together, let’s point a thirsty world to our Savior—the only One Who can truly satisfy.

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