Loker Family

Southwestern Mexico is a patchwork of indigenous peoples and cultures. The rugged and isolated state of Oaxaca alone is home to 120 local languages. Written translations of the Scriptures have been available in the local dialects for years, but most people are oral learners or non-literate. If they can’t read the Bible well enough to understand God’s Word, how will they be reached with the Gospel?

In Latin America, Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM) spreads the Word of God by recording the Bible in local languages and distributing it in audio, through digital audio players and other tools. Through a network of Gospel Partners, the people groups of Oaxaca are hearing God’s Word in their own language, many for the first time. God is using His Word to win the lost and to strengthen local churches.

Learn more about the Lokers’ ministry through the following stories, or at lokerministry.blogspot.com.


Your Prayers at Work

After post-hurricane rain continued to pummel the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico, in autumn of 2024, your support made it possible to bring the hope of God’s Word to many people hungry to hear it...read more
Just as farmers tend their fields but depend on God to provide sun and rain for seeds to flourish, the Lokers see God growing Gospel seed in unexpected ways...
Miracles, mudslides, and Mexican mole are all part of Jim and Jamie Loker’s (ASM’s Latin America Directors) 30 years of...