“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart,” Ecclesiastes 3:11a NIV says. Chad and Dara Vanden Bosch (ASM Africa Director and Compassionate Care Coordinator, respectively) are cultivating and living out the eternal, Gospel hope through life-centric farming, creativity-promoting community art events, and whole-person palliative care. Each of these open doors are ways to share God’s Word in audio, so more people can meet and follow Jesus. Your prayer and support make this possible. Thank you!

At New Harvest Farm, Chad and his team are introducing agroforestry, in a program called “Growing with God”–farming that celebrates the processes God built into His creation (one test plot pictured, above). “We’re working with life, building life, planting with abundance, and harvesting in abundance. It’s an amazing way to see God’s abundance unlocked, through using life and not death,” Chad shares.
Similarly, Dara and her Compassionate Care team are inviting people in their community to create beauty as a practice of rest, as ‘memorial stones’ of what God has done and what God is doing. She shares that “He continues to renew my soul through the strokes on the canvas. Just as God, our Father and Creator, the greatest artist, created us in His image, I think He also wants us to create.” These art events (one attendee, pictured left) have been met with so much enthusiasm that she was told she would have to host them more often.
The enemy of our soul comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But GOD brings hope and life through the Gospel of Jesus.
Pray for Chad and Dara as they and their teams live out this hope amidst difficult situations in rural Mozambique.