Help Increase Gospel Momentum

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Request additional audio Bibles

Already using Nav players?
Gospel Partnership
- Pray with us and sign up to receive our weekly prayer guide.
- Give to specific projects and ministry areas, or toward audio Bibles wherever they are most needed.
- Provide Scripture players:
- On your next mission or business trip, distribute the Word of God in the local language.
- With the Blind or with immigrant families in your community.
- Learn how you or your group can be equipped with Story-Centric Bible Engagement training.
- Tell others what God is doing through His Word in audio. f to share at your church!
- Contact Naomi Frizzell today to discuss how you can partner with ASM.
Resource Department Request Form
ASM is honored to help with your audio Scripture needs. Please note: we generally ship devices within the USA, to be hand-carried to other locations.
Use this form to initiate your request. We will then follow-up to discuss the tools or language resources available to equip you to more effectively share God’s Word in your ministry context, and provide you a suggested donation per unit (which varies depending on the type of player you need, which language, and which Bible recordings—as royalty costs differ by partner and resource).
Through ASM’s generous partners you have access to share Bible and Bible engagement resources in over 6,000 languages!
Questions? Contact ASM’s Resource Department by phone (+1.616.396.5291 ext. 2) or email