God Will Make a Way

As ASM Africa Director Chad Vanden Bosch stood waiting along a hot, dusty stretch of road in central Mozambique, a well-used bus slowed to a crawl, as its brakes loudly protested. A hand holding a small bubble-wrapped package was thrust out the door. This little package, which had been hand-carried nearly 1,000 miles by a family member of one of our recording team in Mozambique, contained the final recordings of the Makua Meeto New Testament. With a few friendly words of greeting, the package was passed to Chad and one more challenge to getting this audio Bible recording to people in Northern Mozambique was overcome.

Chad says the Makua Meeto New Testament recording will go down in history as one of the most challenging recordings that his team has faced. In the middle of the recording process, Mozambique declared a COVID-19 state of emergency. The team had to think “outside of the box” and as they coordinated the recording, editing, and final checking of the project from three different provinces, each with their own logistical and communication challenges.

Despite these challenges, we praise God that He has made a way for His Word to be recorded in the Makua Meeto language! Chad says they hope to help coordinate a series of audio Bible distributions in this language over the next few months in Northern Mozambique. Pray for these audio Bible distributions, and consider a gift to help bring the Bible to Makua Meeto speakers who desperately need to hear God’s Word.

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