From the Executive Director – 2018 First Quarter

“Know that today, the Lord will cross over before you,”
Deuteronomy 9:3

In my office, I have a photo by a Grand Rapids, MI artist of the Mackinac Bridge with that verse. As a Michigander, the Mackinac Bridge has always held special significance in my life. Every summer, my brother, sister, and I would try to be the first one to catch a glimpse of the bridge on our way from Michigan’s Lower to Upper Peninsula for two weeks of blissful camping. (As an adult, I now realize that those two weeks were probably not as blissful for my mom, but that’s a story for another time!) Crossing over the Mackinac Bridge, our lungs full of clean, pine scented air, a sense of anticipation would build because we were just one hour away from the real beginning of summer.

Maybe you have a “cross over” experience of your own … a location or a decision.

That’s how I feel about Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM) “crossing over” into 2018. There’s a sense of excitement and anticipation among the Board and Team as we prayerfully discern where God is leading. It is a privilege to be part of this ministry that has, for more than 50 years, provided God’s Word in audio to people who can’t, don’t, or won’t read, and who may not be reached with print. God is using these audio resources to change individuals and communities — and even those who are recording them!

Beginning now, you’ll notice a difference in how we celebrate and report what God is doing. These changes will identify six areas where your prayers and partnership are needed most:

COLLABORATION — We’re developing strong collaborative relationships that allow ASM to be better stewards of the resources God has entrusted to our care. We’re serving with national leaders, churches, denominations, Bible translation agencies, technology firms, mission agencies, and more, pursuing the unity that Jesus prayed for as recorded in John 17.

DISTRIBUTION — Your prayers and financial support are bringing God’s Word to thousands of people around the world who are hearing the Gospel for the first time on their new audio Bibles. We’re working with national pastors to get players into the hands of those who need them most. Churches are being planted and Bible study groups are meeting weekly to listen to God’s Word.

TECHNOLOGY — I never dreamed to one day hold in my hands a phone with more power than the computers that helped send the Apollo astronauts to the moon in 1969. Only God knows where technology will be in 3–5 years, and we’re praying and learning how we can use technology even more effectively in sharing God’s Word.

RESOURCES — ASM is on the front lines of recording Scripture, and recording Bible engagement resources that are contextually appropriate and culturally relevant. We’re also exploring additional languages, biblically-based health care resources and resources for families and pastors.

COMPASSION — Our teams are serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. Together, we’re meeting practical needs in communities and seeing new doors open to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

OPERATIONS — I thank God for His provision of a gifted and dedicated Board and Team who help ASM function smoothly. Throughout the year, we’ll give you a “behind the scenes” look at the people, and the places where they serve.


As ASM presses forward, we remain committed to recording and distributing God’s Word. And, as we prayerfully discern where God would have us “crossover” in obedience to additional ministry opportunities, would you please pray with us that we would hear God’s voice and follow Him?

I’m excited by the many opportunities before ASM as we connect people to God’s Word in their own heart language. And, I’m glad we’re on this journey together!



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