Update From Naomi – April 2024

Your prayer and support are helping share the Gospel Good News with people like Esteban in Mexico (photo, above), who listens to his Pearl audio Bible while tending to his family’s herd.  Every day, as he takes care of the goats and pigs, he hears God’s Word in the Huave language.  Would you please pray that God would plant Biblical truth deep in his heart?

ASM believes every person has the right—and the need—to hear God’s Word in their own heart language.  How that happens varies because of location, language, access to technology, regional hostility to the Gospel, and other factors.   

I praise God for the growing variety of audio devices that are making God’s Word more available than ever before.  ASM and our Gospel Partners use Navs, Kulumis, Envoys, Pearls, Seed Players, SD cards and solar speakers, Wi-Fi devices, cell phone apps, short-wave radio, AM radio … and more.  Different names.  Different devices.  Different functionality.  One purpose … sharing God’s Word in audio with those who need to hear it!

audio Bibles, Nav, clear Envoy, Envoy S, Kulumi, SeedPlayer

ASM and two of our partners are exploring technology to develop even lower- cost audio Bibles.  Together, we want to remove any financial barrier to sharing God’s Word generously.   Would you please pray with us for wisdom regarding the technology, components, and production of these devices?

God is using your prayers and support. Thank you for praying and giving so generously!

On behalf of people listening to God’s Word today because you prayed and gave,

Naomi A. Frizzell

Executive Director

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