Christ In the In-Between

Time-lapse videos are one of my favorite things. Perhaps it’s the payoff at the end of the video… the seedling becomes a flower; the house is renovated; the sun rises and sets… all in 60 seconds or less.  

The beginning and end are important, but what happens in between is crucial to the flower, the house, and the sun. 

Without that “in-between”—the growth, repair, and birth of a new day—there wouldn’t be a satisfying ending.

It’s the same in our lives as we worship, obey, and follow Jesus. British Missionary C.T. Studd reflects in his poem “Only One Life” about the importance of daily investing in eternity:

“Give me Father, a purpose deep, In joy or sorrow Thy Word to keep; Faithful and true what e’er the strife, Pleasing Thee in my daily life; Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

What you are doing for Christ—and your prayer and financial support of Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM)—is leaving a lasting Gospel impact on thousands of lives globally.

God is using you to equip people like Pastors Daniel, Asaph, Simon, David, Peter, Steve, and Oscar, and leaders like Samuel, Helen, and Rosa (and others—names withheld for security), as you faithfully pray and give generously. These faithful men and women eagerly share God’s Word and boldly train others. Jesus is being proclaimed, people discipled, and Gospel- focused churches are being planted!

I wish you could see a time-lapse of the impact you’re having around the world for Christ through ASM. Even in this fiscal year, you’d see all the ways God is answering your prayers and using your financial support to grow His Kingdom, with:

  • 13 audio Bible recordings completed.
  • 10,640 audio Bible devices shared, in East Africa, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mexico, Mozambique, Portugal, Uganda, the United States, and with unreached people groups in Asia, South Asia, and beyond.
  • 59+ Bible Engagement training events completed.
  • Integral Mission efforts serving as the hands and feet of Jesus.

As you pray for ASM and for those listening to God’s Word in audio, consider ways the Lord is calling you to make the most of your “in-between” time by helping share His Word. And together, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:23-24, NIV).

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is faithful and people need to hear!

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