All Of God’s Word Matters

“Can you imagine—not having the Psalms?!”

Availability of the full Bible in audio is something God has been putting on the hearts of Jim and Jamie Loker, ASM’s Latin America Directors.  While the Old Testament (OT) in Spanish is available and may be understood by some, heart language translations of the OT have not yet been completed for many people groups in Mexico.  Without this heart-language OT access, many miss the joy of hearing God’s story in its full context. 

Praise God for how He has recently opened the door for the ASM Mexico Team and Bible translation ministry partners to collaborate on several OT projects.  One is the translation and recording of the OT in the Nopala Chatino language.

This project brought so much excitement to the community that nearly 80 people in the village are involved in the recording! 

This has been a wonderful opportunity for people to participate in the process of proclaiming God’s Word, giving them a sense of ownership of the recording, and increasing their desire to share it with others. 

Please pray for the logistics of this multi-voice, team-effort recording.  Pray also for more audio recordists for the Mexico Team and for wisdom in prioritizing the recordings waiting to be started.  Your support is essential: a gift to Latin America projects helps bring the entirety of God’s revealed Word in the heart language audio of those still waiting to hear.

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