Mission Statement
Audio Scripture Ministries helps connect people to God’s Word in their own heart language.
The Need
The majority of people groups around the world comprise oral learners: people who either can’t, don’t, or won’t read due to cultural tradition, illiteracy, or physical limitations.
Taking Action
In partnership with national leaders, churches, individuals, and like-minded organizations, Audio Scripture Ministries is determined to reach these people groups with the gospel of Jesus in their own language. We do this by:
Recording Bible and Bible Engagement Resources in languages needed by people groups around the world
Distributing Scripture media to all who need to hear—directly and in partnership with others in 30+ countries every year
Integral Mission
Serving as the hands and feet of Jesus through mission efforts addressing food security and medical care
Bible Engagement
Engaging people to Be in the Word, Be with Jesus and Be Transformed
Partnering to create and distribute Scripture media to share the Good News of Jesus
Core Values
ASM is committed to the Great Commission given by our Lord, “to go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18-20). Our Core Values are based on biblical principles, and guide all that we do in joyfully glorifying God and obeying His commands.
Prayer– Prayer acknowledges our complete dependence on God, strengthens our relationship with Him, and connects us to His plan and purpose. (Matthew 6:9-13; Romans 12:12; Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
The Great Commission and the Centrality of the Gospel- The Great Commission compels us to share Jesus in Word and Deed with all who need to hear. (Matthew 18:18-20; Romans 1:16; Colossians 3:17)
God’s Word– We believe that every person has the right, and the need, to hear God’s Word in their own heart language. (John 1:1; Psalm 119; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12)
Stewardship– Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we seek to serve the Lord with humility and compassion, demonstrating integrity and excellence that honors Him. (Romans 12:3-8; 1 Peter 4:10; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7; Colossians 3:23; John 17:21)
[imic_button colour=”btn-primary” type=”enabled” link=”https://audioscripture.org/core-values” target=”_self” extraclass=”” size=””]View Statement of Faith[/imic_button]
In 1967, Dr. Ron Beery founded ASM (then called Portable Recording Ministries) with the mission to take God’s Word in audio to those who had not yet heard it. Over the past 51 years, ASM has sought to adapt and use new technology and to continue to connect people to God’s Word. View the timeline of ASM’s notable moments in history here!
[imic_button colour=”btn-primary” type=”enabled” link=”https://audioscripture.org/history” target=”_self” extraclass=”” size=””]Learn more about ASM’s history[/imic_button]
Audio Players
By distributing Scripture players, you can help bring the Word of God to people in oral or non-reading cultures, worldwide. ASM utilizes various durable, solar-charged digital players as well as optional field accessories. Players are designed to be self-sustaining and intuitive to use. Check out the different player options as well as other distribution tools and accessories on our Players page.
[imic_button colour=”btn-primary” type=”enabled” link=”https://audioscripture.org/tools” target=”_self” extraclass=”” size=””]Tools to share God’s Word[/imic_button]
Audio Scripture Ministries is an international ministry based in Holland, Michigan. In addition to ASM’s teams in Mexico, Mozambique, and the USA, we work closely with national leaders in numerous other countries.
[imic_button colour=”btn-primary” type=”enabled” link=”https://audioscripture.org/asm-team/” target=”_self” extraclass=”” size=””]Meet the team[/imic_button]
[accordions id=”faq”]
[acchead id=”faq” tab_id=”faq0″ class=”active”]What languages do you have available?[/acchead]
[accbody tab_id=”faq0″ in=”in”]We have access to a combined list of audio Scripture and Bible engagement resources in over 6,000 languages, including both the Scripture recordings we have completed, and those of partner ministries. Contact our Resource Department to find out if we have content in the language you are seeking and we will be able to help you out.[/accbody]
[acchead id=”faq” tab_id=”faq1″ class=””]What if my language has no recording available?[/acchead]
[accbody tab_id=”faq1″ in=””]We would be happy to work with you to help record Scripture in any language that currently does not have audio Scripture available.[/accbody]
[acchead id=”faq” tab_id=”faq2″ class=””]My church is going on a mission trip. How can Audio Scripture Ministries help?[/acchead]
[accbody tab_id=”faq2″ in=””]We can outfit your team with audio Bibles that you can carry with you. These players can be left with your brothers and sisters to serve continuously after you leave the soil of your mission field. These units are durable, cross over the language barrier, and carry on their work inconspicuously. Contact our Resource Department to see how we can help.[/accbody]
[acchead id=”faq” tab_id=”faq3″ class=””]Do you do any recordings in the USA?[/acchead]
[accbody tab_id=”faq3″ in=””]Most of our recordings happen overseas, but we have on occasion done recordings in our studio in Michigan. Please contact us if you have any ideas or suggestions.[/accbody]
[acchead id=”faq” tab_id=”faq4″ class=””]If I have a passion for a country other than the ones you are currently involved in, can I still partner with you?[/acchead]
[accbody tab_id=”faq4″ in=””]Absolutely! While we have strong ties to national leaders in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, we are always looking for new partners to help bring God’s Word in audio to where it is needed. Contact us![/accbody]
[acchead id=”faq” tab_id=”faq5″ class=””]Do you have any volunteer needs in the USA office?[/acchead]
[accbody tab_id=”faq5″ in=””]We do! From stuffing envelopes for mailings, to tasks around the office or grounds, to answering phones, we are always seeking people who want to join us on this important mission. Please call our office or email to find out what you can do to help![/accbody]
[acchead id=”faq” tab_id=”faq7″ class=””]What kind of content can you put on your players?[/acchead]
[accbody tab_id=”faq7″ in=””]Depending on language and availability, we can load the full Bible, the New Testament, the Jesus Film (audio), God’s Story (a dramatic and musical overview of Scripture in 90 minutes), the Mini Bible College (a Bible teaching series that is appropriate for lay pastors, etc.), materials from Global Recordings (offering access in over 6,000 languages!), and much more.[/accbody]
[acchead id=”faq” tab_id=”faq8″ class=””] What is an oral learner/communicator?[/acchead]
[accbody tab_id=”faq8″ in=””]Taken from the International Orality Network:
Oral communicator: A person who learns or processes information by spoken rather than literate means. Some oral communicators are so out of necessity because they cannot read or read with understanding. Other oral communicators can read with understanding and write, but they prefer non-print forms of communication.
Oral learner: A person whose mental framework is primarily influenced by spoken rather than literate forms of communication and who therefore learns primarily or exclusively by speech, song, etc.