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The Best Gift in Huave

So many people are hungry for the truth about God in the Bible. But what if they don’t read their own language? How can they learn and meditate on God’s Word?

“We’re bringing you the best gift: we have God’s Word in your language,” a woman (pictured, left) from a local church told the Huave woman.

She shrugged, “But who’s going to read it to me? Are you going to come every day and read it to me?” she asked. “Oh, I mean, it’s in AUDIO, you can listen to it anytime!” our church planter replied.

The woman’s eyes got wide, as she realized that she could now listen to God’s Word every day!

On the same audio Bible distribution trip with a partner church in San Mateo, Mexico, Jim and Jamie Loker reported another person had stayed home only because her baby fell asleep. While she was waiting, the local pastor and our short-term team arrived. She heard the Gospel, gave her life to Christ, and received an audio Bible in Huave!

Praise God for “divine appointments” so people can hear and respond to His Word! Your support makes this ministry possible!

This Huave New Testament recording was completed by our team 11 years ago and continues to equip local leaders for evangelism and discipleship.

This year we celebrated our Mexico Team’s 90th full New Testament recording! However, dozens of recordings are still needed.

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