Short Trip, Ongoing Impact

“We’re starting the distribution of the audio Bibles [in Haiti]. Everyone in the country wants one…!” This encouraging report just arrived back from our distribution partners in Haiti. The Many Hands for Haiti (MH4H) chaplains are very excited about the openness to and hunger for the Bible in audio, as people receive it in their own language.

The fruit of this report is a direct result of a church in Zeeland, MI—Haven CRC—whose missions outreach program provided 175 audio Bibles to the people of northern Haiti. These audio Bibles were provided to pastors, chaplains, community members, and clinicians, as well as those with physical limitations who must use mobility carts to get around.

Even a short-term trip can have long-term Kingdom impact, especially with a tool that proclaims God’s Word daily! This congregation made the investment in audio Bibles a key part of their trip, and witnessed the priceless joy of those receiving God’s Word in their own language, in a form they can easily access.

Audio Bibles are a way to provide long-term blessing to the local people and ministries you are serving. Could audio Bibles extend the Kingdom-impact of your next trip?

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