ASM’s Global Support Team (pictured) has moved. Learn how “going smaller” with our office is helping current and expanded ministry opportunities through ASM!
Our new mailing address is PO Box 1439, Holland, MI 49422
ASM’s work is continuing full-speed ahead, as our support team works from home and church offices. Join us as we pray for the Lord’s provision of our next office building. Learn more, below…
“In that day you will say: ‘Give praise to the LORD, proclaim His Name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His Name is exalted.‘”
Isaiah 12:4, NIV
For nearly 40 years, ASM’s main office has been located at 760 South Waverly Road, in Holland, MI. God provided this location and building through the generosity of the Prince Corporation. For many years ASM utilized the 13,000+ square feet to manufacture, assemble and ship out the audio cassette “TapeTalks” and other recording / audio equipment used around the world to effectively share the Gospel.
In the ensuing years, technology has shifted dramatically, with smaller and smaller audio Bibles, and distribution empowered by new tools such as wifi devices and cell phone apps, developed by ASM partners. These technological breakthroughs have made it easier to share God’s Word more widely, and allowed ASM to concentrate on audio Bible recording and distribution instead of manufacturing efforts.
Stewardship is a core value of Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM). Being good stewards of all that God has entrusted to the care of the ministry (Romans 12:3-8; 1 Peter 4:10; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7; Colossians 3:23; John 17:21), means we can help connect more people to God’s Word in their own heart language. (See ASM’s 2021 Annual Report to celebrate what God is doing!)
Stewardship means serving our partners, our donors, and our volunteers in ways that demonstrate our love for God and His Word, our commitment to Jesus as our leader, and our dependence on the Holy Spirit for guidance.
This stewardship extends to the physical resources God has given us through our team members, new technology, and our building. God has provided extraordinarily for ASM in each of these areas, for which we give God thanks!
Praise God for all He has accomplished in and through ASM over the previous 50+ years! God has used your prayers and financial support to provide tens of thousands—perhaps hundreds of thousands—of people with God’s Word in their own heart language. People in nearly 100 countries have learned of God’s love for them and been offered hope and new life in Jesus because of God’s provision through you. Thank you for your commitment to God’s Word and your faithfulness to share it.
ASM has grown significantly in the past five years—with that growth in regions and countries outside of the current Holland, MI office. Rather than a manufacturing base in need of a large warehouse, the ASM Holland, MI office now serves as the Global Support Team, sending out smaller-sized audio Bible devices, developing partnerships, and providing logistical support for these increasing Gospel opportunities. Learn more about ASM’s Vision 2025.
God has opened doors for ASM to expand partnerships with regional and national leaders in many other countries. Doing so has multiplied the distribution of God’s Word in locations and in ways never considered possible in the past. Hunger for God’s Word is increasing in the midst of growing persecution and political and societal upheaval. We’ve seen increased requests for God’s Word in audio, to better hear and share the truth and hope offered only through the Gospel.
Amid growing partnerships, God has also led us to expand Integral Mission outreach—sharing Jesus in Word and deed—in Mozambique through the Compassionate Care Team and New Harvest Farm.
In late 2020, God provided a Bible Engagement Director to help establish and deepen our commitment to Bible training and disciple-making through story-centric Bible storytelling.
God has used your prayers and generosity to meet the needs for these increasing audio Bible requests, food security and healthcare concerns in Mozambique, and Bible engagement and discipleship training efforts. Thank you.
After months of prayerful consideration, surveying staff, talking with partners and other ministries and seeking advice from real estate experts, God led the ASM Board of Directors to sell the current Holland, MI office. We praise God for promptly providing ASM with a buyer for the building. While a new office has not yet been identified, we know that God will provide the new office according to His timing, and our team is able to continue ASM’s ministry while working from home offices.
(Know of a possible location? Email Naomi Frizzell, at nfrizzell@audioscripture.org! We’re praying for the provision of a building to purchase in the Greater-Holland/nearby areas, of 3,000-4,000 square feet)
God is calling ASM to expand the ways we share His Word throughout the world. Because of the increased value of the Waverly Road property, including its visibility in a high-traffic area, ASM anticipates the following:
- • Purchasing a building at less than half the cost of the existing facility.
- • Utilizing half of the proceeds in immediate ministry outreach, including:
- ○ Distributing audio Bibles in Mexico, Mozambique and where most needed
- ○ Beginning more Old Testament Audio Bible Recordings in Mexico
- ○ Providing Bible Engagement Training in South Asia and Greater South Asia
- among unreached people groups
- ○ Establishing partnerships with like-minded Christian leaders in the twelve regions of the world
- • Invest the other half of the proceeds to serve the long-term vision of ASM
We’re moving … so that ultimately, more people may hear God’s Word, come to faith in Jesus Christ and be transformed.
We are excited about all that God is doing and are very grateful for your partnership. Together, let’s celebrate God’s provision, and eagerly lean into what He is calling us to do to share His Word.
Would you please join us in prayer?
- • Praise the Lord for the quick sale of the building!
- • Wisdom on investing additional funds in immediate ministry
- • God’s provision of a 3,000-4,000 sq ft building in the Holland / West Michigan area
- • No ministry disruption during the transition
- • Gospel opportunities with new neighbors, in a new location
- • No delays or disruption in mail
- • Understanding and excitement for donors, volunteers, team
- • Grace and wisdom for logistics with moving
- • God’s blessing of helpful volunteers
If you would like to learn about volunteer opportunities, let us know with the form below. Thank you!