Meet Estêvão

Steve delivers an audio Bible to a woman in southern Mozambique

“Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act” (Psalm 37:5, ESV) is one of Estêvão (Steve) Macambaco’s favorite Bible verses.  Steve says this verse is an important reminder that God is our Provider: “We need to give everything to God and have confidence that He is the owner of everything and has promised to take care of us.”  Since trusting God means hearing and remaining in Jesus’ Words (John 15:7), Steve has a heart for bringing God’s Word to people in an accessible way, in their own mother tongue.  

As a young man, Steve first came to know Jesus through a church choral group.  In 1998, he dedicated himself to full-time Christian service. Today, he serves as senior pastor at the Parish of Chinunguine (Emmanuel Evangelical Wesleyan Church) and as National Secretary of the Wesleyan church in Mozambique, as well as Recording Technician with Mozambique’s Associação das Escrituras Em Audição (Association of Audio Scriptures).  Steve has seen firsthand the impact of audio Scripture. He reflects that “hearing the Word of God in audio has been a blessing in my [own] life. Audio allows you to hear the Word almost anytime and anywhere, and especially benefits those who have never had the opportunity to go to school.”

Steve and his wife, Inência (not pictured), have been married for 20 years, and are grateful for God’s blessing them with four children.

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