Go(ing) in Obedience

Go.  The word can be a stern command (“go away!”) or a joyful exclamation (“we’re going!”).  

God reminds us frequently in His Holy Word of the importance of going in obedience to Him.  In fact, the word “go” or “going” appears thousands of times in Scripture.  A friend of mine once told me, “When God repeats Himself, He wants us to pay special attention!” 

Genesis 12 records God’s command to Abram to go (leave and go), God’s promise (blessings of a name, land and nation), and Abram’s immediate obedience (“So Abram went …”).  Moses, Joshua and Ruth are a few other “heroes of the faith” who followed God’s command to go into the unfamiliar.

God didn’t ask them—and He doesn’t ask us—to figure everything out and THEN go.  God challenged them—and He challenges us today—to deeper trust when He calls us to go from the familiar to the unknown.  God asks for obedience and trust, reminding us that as we go (Exodus 13, Joshua 1, Matthew 10) He will go before us and be with us every step of the wayAnd, HE IS! 

The Great Commission given by our Lord to “… go and make disciples of all nations …” (Matthew 28) is core to Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM)’s desire to help connect people to God’s Word in their own heart language.  ASM is going in partnership with you to make disciples of all nations, and we’re seeking God and trusting in Him for each next step.

Together, we are increasing PRAYER and PARTNERSHIPS to accelerate PROGRESS toward the Great Commission.

ASM is investing a significant part of the Holland, Michigan building sale proceeds into immediate ministry so that more resources will go to people who need to hear God’s Word.  Project investment includes Old Testament recordings in México, increased audio Bible distribution in México and Mozambique, and Bible Engagement training and resources for national leaders on the continents of Africa and Asia.

ASM is growing—into new regions and new partnerships, including in South Asia, to record and distribute the Bible to two unreached people groups. In South East Asia, we’re helping partners provide hundreds of SD cards and audio speakers for church leaders to reach a majority people group.

I have never been more excited about—and confident in—God’s calling on ASM to go.

How would God have you join in? Please consider signing up for weekly prayer emails, and sending a financial gift to help share God’s Word. I can’t wait to see what He has together for us next!”

P.S. With the exception of the mailing address, all of the ways that you can contact us have remained the same. Our new mailing address is: Audio Scripture Ministries, PO Box 1439, Holland, MI, 49422.  If you have any questions, please contact us here!

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