God’s Great Adventure

The sky in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula flashed with the green brilliance of the Northern Lights, as shooting stars and satellites traced their own paths.  I was too young to understand all I was seeing, but even now I remember the awe, that our family was wrapped up together in an adventure in the vastness of God’s universe.

Michigan’s UP was where God first planted the seed that would lead me to serve His global church.  Perhaps, to some, an unusual place to hear God’s call, He used our family’s annual vacation to grow within me a sense of adventure, and a love for different cultures and people.  Eagerly, my brother, sister, and I would purchase the annual “Know Your Ships” book (before the Internet!), learning statistics about ships traversing the Soo Locks and St. Mary’s River.  The languages spoken by the ocean-going sailors, the “exotic” lunch smells coming from each ship’s galley, and the colorful flags waving proudly from ship sterns, opened up a wide new world for this mid-Michigan youngster.

I couldn’t have imagined then how God would use ships and smells to send me on the Great Adventure serving Him … but He did!

Sharing God’s Word in heart languages I may never speak.  Learning lessons of faith and generosity from Christian leaders around the world.   Being moved to tears by the daily sacrifice of our Christian brothers and sisters, persecuted because of their commitment to sharing the Gospel.

You, too, are part of God’s Great Adventure.

Your prayers and financial support of Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM) more than 6,940 audio Bibles this year, supported 33 Bible Engagement Trainings with leaders in 7 countries, and allowed our team to invest in the lives of dozens of Christian leaders from Pakistan to Myanmar, from Mexico to Mozambique … and more.  

Adventure looks very different for everyone, but if you’ve asked Jesus into your life, you are on a Great Adventure.   God’s Word is clear that life is a journey (Genesis 12, Jeremiah 29, Proverbs 16, Matthew 6 and more) and that this journey isn’t for the faint of heart.  Just read the Apostle Paul’s harrowing adventures in 2 Corinthians 11!

Yet, God promises to be with us on this Great Adventure.  And, God’s Word provides the road map for that adventure, reminding us that trust and obedience are essential to our journey because then, “… He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV).  

Thank you for everything you’re doing to help share God’s Word so that many more people around the world begin this Great Adventure with God, and daily follow the life road map of ScriptureWe can’t do it without you!

 Christian musician Steven Curtis Chapman sang about “The Great Adventure” 30 years ago:

“Saddle up your horses we’ve got a trail to blaze
Through the wild blue yonder of God’s amazing grace
Let’s follow our Leader into the glorious unknown
This is a life like no other—this is The Great Adventure
This is the greatest journey that the human heart will ever see
The love of God will take us far beyond our wildest dreams.”

Michigan’s Soo Locks are still one of my favorite places on earth.  Maybe because of good family memories, or the feeling of where my Adventure began.  

Most likely it’s because I know this Adventure of following Jesus has only just begun and that God is leading us to places “beyond our wildest dreams” in serving Him.

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