
Have you ever known someone who was always fearful? Well, I used to be one of those people. Instead of going forward in life, I felt like I was going backwards! I used to be passive on the soccer field, I used to be timid with the gifts that God gave me, and I let people push me around without defending myself!

Until one night, my parents came and talked to me. They told me that God didn’t want us to have a spirit of fear, God wants us to be fearless! They also gave me some memory verses to dwell on in case I got worried or scared. One of my favorites is Joshua 1:9, “I have commanded you haven’t I? Be strong and courageous. Don’t be fearful or discouraged, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

And boy did I feel better! It felt like the weight lifted off of my shoulders! I felt so happy and relieved!

God helped me to get over my fear through Scripture, [so] I think it would be important for Kamila* to get a Wildlife StoryTeller. Kamila is 8 years old. My family has gotten to know her through Food for the Hungry, an organization that sponsors kids in need. Kamila has impacted our lives in a way that has made us thank the Lord everyday for what He has given us, and to pray for others who are in need.

I would want her to have the same strength from hearing God’s Word that I get. I would want her to learn to be courageous through the power of God’s Word. If she is having a bad day or is struggling with fear like I did she could just go to her furry friend and she can listen to her audio Bible, while snuggling with her StoryTeller. Since Kamila has impacted me and my family’s lives, we want to give something in return. I want her to “Be Bold” just like God has commanded us!

Written by Victoria DeLeon, first place winner of ASM’s Storyteller of the Year contest.

*Kamila’s name has been changed for security reasons

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