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When I was growing up there was a shampoo advertisement that ended with “… and I told two friends, and they told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on …” Remember that commercial? I was reminded of it recently when Dara Vanden Bosch, ASM Compassionate Care Coordinator, shared the poem AWAKEN with me.

by Lawrence Tribble

One man awake,
Awakens another.
The second awakens
His next-door brother.
The three awake can rouse a town
By turning
The whole place
Upside down.

The many awake
Can make such a fuss
It finally awakens
The rest of us.
One man up,
With dawn in his eyes,
Surely then

What a beautiful picture of the opportunity to awaken others to Jesus Christ, as we are awakened in Him!

The story goes that “Awaken” was written during a George Whitefield revival. This 1700s revival was part of The Great Awakening that spread across England and the Colonies. God used The Great Awakening to call His Church to emphasize salvation, Bible reading, prayer, and holiness.

God’s Word has many things to say about being “awake” or ”watchful.” The Apostle Peter reminds us to be alert regarding the evil one (1 Peter 5:8). With parables, Jesus urged his followers to, “ … keep watch, because you do not know what day your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42, NIV). It’s tempting to lose focus, or be drowsy, because (in our minds) it’s been so long since Jesus promised His return. Yet, praise God that He graciously delays because He “ … wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4, NIV).

We believe that every person has the need, and the right, to hear God’s Word, come to faith in Jesus Christ, be discipled, and grow Christ’s church.

This year at ASM, we’ve been Awakened To:

  • Our desperate need for Prayer. ASM is God’s ministry, and we move under His Lordship and leadership. For each decision, and partnership we seek His will. Would you join us as an ASM Prayer Partner?
  • Other areas of the world that need to hear God’s Word. In 2019, we’ve seen open doors in South Asia (countries not named for security reasons), Guatemala, Uganda, and Haiti. Opportunities to record and / or distribute God’s Word are wide open in these and other countries. Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help ASM in these new opportunities? 
  • New and renewed Partnerships. We can’t do it alone, nor should we. God has helped us establish wonderful partnerships with additional churches, and ministries. Would you, or your church or ministry, be a part of getting God’s Word to more people? Email me to learn more:
  • Needs in our own Community. Immigrants, refugees, and migrant workers are part of the beautiful, growing diversity of our region. God is bringing people here from many different countries, some of which are “creative access countries” because they are closed to the Gospel and to Christian workers. Email me if you’re interested in this renewed effort to share God’s Word, here in the United States.

As we’ve been awakened to the Good News, let’s tell our neighbors, so “they can tell two friends, and so on…”, so more people will hear of hope in Jesus Christ.

May God continue to awaken all of us in 2020, and Lord, please begin with me!

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