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A Shepherd Soaking in God’s Word

As followers of Jesus, we are called to go and make disciples of all people groups. What can help us be effective as we strive to be obedient in this great task?

Like this Gabra shepherd in Kenya, four out of five people alive today are oral learners. Additionally, the majority of unreached or least-reached people groups are comprised of oral learners. At ASM, we believe getting God’s Word recorded in audio, in the local language, is absolutely crucial, so all will hear!

Once the audio Scripture is recorded, we want to distribute God’s Word widely. Recently we were able to help send audio Bibles with ministry partner Genesis Waters (Grand Rapids, MI). Through their local connections, this Gabra shepherd received his own audio Bible. Later, they visited him again and were amazed at what they heard.

This shepherd spends hours in the fields listening to and memorizing God’s Word. Now, as he plays his audio Bible, he can repeat much of what he hears right along with the player! This audio Bible helped bring to reality what the Apostle Paul prayed for the Colossians: “May the Word of Christ dwell in you richly…” (3:16, KJV). Would you pray with us that God’s Word will continue to flow into what this man does and says, and that he would share with others so that many more hear and respond to God’s Word?

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They couldn’t wait to share their story! Katja and Jonathan told Tara Rye, ASM’s Bible Engagement Director, how “20 of the majority people group have come to Jesus from the solar audio Bibles, and five people have recommitted their lives to Christ!”

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