Mozambique: Your Investment Equipping Leaders

It’s about people. Stepping into the midst of heart-wrenching stories of extreme poverty, abuse, alcoholism, and spiritual bondage—with the hope of Jesus Christ. Serving, learning, training, equipping and investing in people. This model of evangelism and discipleship isn’t always the easiest way to do mission, but Chad and Dara Vanden Bosch (serving as ASM Africa Director and Compassionate Care Coordinator, as RCA missionaries) are living it out, pouring themselves out deeply into the lives of those around them and into their teams.

Dara’s focused prayer, Bible study, and evangelism training with Rabeca J., Rabeca F., and Mariana on the Compassionate Care Team (pictured above, right) has increased the eternal impact of patient visits, as they sing gospel songs and tell Bible stories. This investment means precious people like Joanna and her sister, Luisa (pictured, right) have consistently heard God’s Word for more than 5 years, despite being 20 miles off the main road. Prayer and Bible study with the 10-member New Harvest Farm team has allowed Chad to address issues such as integrity, trust, and alcoholism.

Thank you for your investment in our lives and the lives of those we’re here to serve. Please continue to pray for us!”

—Chad Vanden Bosch

Audio Bible recording and distribution was disrupted by the pandemic. However, Chad, Sergio (Director of ASM’s Xai-Xai studio) and Steve (Recording Technician) have creatively worked to complete recordings in southern Mozambique and safely distribute God’s Word. The hope and comfort of God’s Word is needed more than ever!

In 2019, dozens of churches, and hundreds of people invested time and resources to fill a huge shipping container for Mozambique. Chad and his team continue to use the agricultural equipment to build infrastructure, expand crop production and yield to address severe food security issues, and begin a Bible-based agricultural extension program.

Dara and her team are using the Container contents to care for and bless patients and their families, and the community. Simple personal care and hospice care items offer dignity to patients, and the hundreds of blankets and warm handmade hats have blessed the entire community. In 2021, ASM, in collaboration with RCA Global Missions and others, will collect additional agricultural equipment, and medical supplies, and humanitarian goods, and for a second container to bless Mozambique!

God is using your prayers and financial investment in the Vanden Bosches and their teams. As they share audio Bibles, spend time in prayer, work on the farm, record and distribute audio Bibles, and mentor local leaders and national pastors to do the same, God is providing rich, eternal fruit for His glory!

It is our great privilege and honor to serve in Mozambique. During this difficult year it’s been a blessing to be able to meet some of the tangible needs of our neighbors here in Mozambique. Through the agriculture and Compassionate Care projects, relationships have been strengthened, and in turn hearts readied to be changed by God’s Word in audio!”

—Dara Vanden Bosch

Non-believers are always requesting audio Bibles… They say ‘when we take time to listen, the Word touches our heart and it brings peace.’”

—Pastor Machai

We praise God for the diligent work of ASM’s team in Mozambique, including Pastor Sergio Muianga, Director of the Xai-Xai studio, (pictured above, left) and Pastor Estêvão (Steve) Macambaco, Recording Technician (pictured above, right). Since the COVID-19 lockdown in Mozambique, the need for God’s Word in audio has increased. In fact, another pastor recently told Sergio that because people are at home, many are listening to God’s Word more than ever before!

Pastor Machai is one of the leaders who was recently equipped by the ASM Team. He shared of a listener’s excitement: “I was listening to the Word of God from this player once again and… today my eyes are opened, now I understand. I didn’t know that the word of God is [like] heavenly food!” Steve shared a similar testimony that “many people still do not know how to read, so the audio Bibles have been their [spiritual] food during this time.”

Many families have been thanking us because of how important the audio Bibles have been during this time when churches have been
unable to meet.”

—Pastor Steve Macambaco

Steve and Sergio have been adapting to the recording and distribution challenges of a locked-down society which doesn’t allow large gatherings to distribute audio Bibles. They’ve been using WhatsApp, microSD cards and other technology to continue to share Bible portions, sermons, and seminars for pastors—to help those who do not have individual audio Bibles to share with their congregation and in outreach.

The results of your investment are being multiplied as Chad and Dara, Sergio, Steve and others on the ASM Team help equip many other national leaders like Pastor Machai to distribute audio Bibles and use Scripture recordings in more ways. We praise God for what He is doing.

Further, your gifts have not only provided access to spiritual food for growing believers but are also bringing people to Jesus as they hear God’s Word in audio. Pastor Machai said “Non-believers are always requesting audio Bibles, saying that it is the only thing to listen to, as they do not have electricity for television. They say their audio Bible helps them during hardships: ‘…when we take time to listen, the Word touches our heart and it brings peace.’”

Thank you for equipping local leaders with powerful audio resources to share God’s Word effectively!

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