Letter from the Executive Director

The face of missions has changed a lot in the last 30 years. When we first moved to Guatemala in 1986, Jamie and I utilized a handy medical manual titled “Where There is No Doctor.” It helped us diagnose problems and discern when to seek medical advice in the city. Today missionaries use the internet instead of the medical manual, and doctors are available in all but the most remote locations.

What has not changed over these years is the need for missionaries, pastors, and teachers among unreached people groups. Many groups have no church and no access to the Scriptures in their own language. The plight of these people groups tugs on my heart, but what comforts me is the reality that Audio Scripture Ministries is still filling the gap in places “Where There is No Pastor.” Thanks for your partnership as we continue to provide the recorded Word of God to people around the world.


Until ALL have heard,
Jim Loker, Executive Director

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