The southwestern Mexican state of Oaxaca is a patchwork of indigenous peoples and cultures. This rugged and isolated area is home to 120 local languages. Written translations of the Scriptures have been available in many local dialects for years, but most people do not read their own heart language. In many oral cultures, people do not see the need to learn to read. If they can’t read the Bible well enough to understand God’s Word, how will they receive and follow Jesus?
Your support of Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM)’s work in Latin America records the Bible in local languages and distributes solar-powered audio players to people in many rural regions. Together, we can make the Scriptures accessible to the 100+ different people groups of Oaxaca, many for the first time. Today, more people are listening to the Scriptures each week. God is using His Word to win the lost and to strengthen local churches.