His Great Work

Our Great God is at work, every step along the way. From when He prompted you to pray or send your financial support to ASM, to the arrival of God’s Word in audio in the hands of those who will hear … the story of His work has just begun!

In one least-reached region of Greater South Asia, a Christmas-time outreach with 2,000 audio Bibles is bearing great fruit.  A*, an ASM Gospel Partner, reports more than 150 men, women, and children have already responded to the Gospel of Jesus, confessing their sins and accepting Jesus as Lord! 

Now this vegetable seller (pictured, left) in Greater South Asia can hear God speak through an audio Bible in his own heart language. His story of hearing, understanding, and obeying God’s Word is just beginning.    

The 1,999 other audio Bibles you helped send to this region are blessing “farmers, shopkeepers, mechanics, shepherds”—men, women, and children. 23 local church groups are distributing God’s Word in audio, and the Gospel is reaching people in thirteen different languages of this region!

“No one ever told us about Jesus,” one man said, “but I feel that Jesus is our true master. Please tell us more about him.”  Praise God for many open hearts! 

Pray for additional laborers in this region, and protection for those who daily face persecution for their faith. The next outreach planned is to the unreached P* language speakers. Pray for open doors!

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