“We worship many gods, but this God speaks my language. So this God must be the true God!”
—Shared by a tribal man in southern India
There are over 1,652 languages spoken in India today, and the Bible or a portion of the Bible is only available in 200 of them. To add to this challenge, less than 40% of India is considered literate. So, even with the remote possibility of a Bible being available in an individual’s heart language, the chance that they will be able to read it is almost zero.
ASM is seeking to spread God’s Word among the illiterate people groups of Asia by directly distributing Scripture players in Nepal and India. Together with our ministry partners, we record audio Bibles and transfer them to digital, solar-powered playback machines. By recording the available translated Scripture in audio format, we are able to make the Bible accessible to more than 650 million people who cannot read in India alone!
Partners in Ministry
ASM works closely with our trusted national partners in India who have faithfully shared God’s Word in audio for over thirty years. Together, we endeavor to help the many non-readers of India hear God speak to them in their own heart language through audio Bibles. An estimated 60% of the people in India are oral learners or functionally non-literate, so sharing the already-translated Bible with them in audio format is essential!
- With our national partner, we’ve reached over 12,000 villages in India through the Adopt a Village program.
- recorded over 90 Indian languages to date (and counting!).
- helped plant approximately 5,000 churches.
- helped provide over 27,000 Bibles to families through the Word for the Family project.