People need to hear
God's Word

Thank you for your support

Your gifts make it possible to give the gift of God’s Word

ASM helps connect people to God’s Word in their own heart language by recording and distributing Bible and Bible Engagement resources in audio.

2 Billion

unreached people worldwide


of the world prefers
oral communication


of pastors worldwide
have no formal training

Today we're Praying for

16 September:

God’s Word for the Incarcerated

Pray for Gospel Partners working with the incarcerated (Chaplains Scott Thompson, Palmer Bailey, and Corbie Cross). Pray that prison staff see the transformational effect that God’s Word can have on the inmates listening.

Pray With Us Daily

God At Work Around The World

“Koow, lamma, seyyah, affar …,” Ebele*, a Rendille woman from Northern Kenya, counted quietly, identifying each goat’s familiar markings and personality...
Just as farmers tend their fields but depend on God to provide sun and rain for seeds to flourish, the Lokers see God growing Gospel seed in unexpected ways...
Picking up a Bible, using an audio Bible, or listening to a Bible app may not feel risky. Yet, that same access to God’s Word can be dangerous for Christian brothers and sisters around the world...
He was a sheep herder in Peru. Salvador (not pictured) had heard about Jesus, accepted the Gospel, and was baptized in the river. “One day we came back to visit him, and heard him singing...

About Audio Scripture Ministries

Learn more about what we do
and where we work

Bible Engagement Resources

Engaging people to be in the Word, be with Jesus and be transformed

Share God's Word Today by Giving

Every person needs to hear God’s Word. Yet, millions are still waiting to hear the Good News of Jesus in their own heart language. Your financial gifts and prayers support are essential to provide access to the Bible in a way people can easily listen and share it with others.

In 2023, With Your Help

Audio Bibles Distributed in
0 +
Heart Languages
Bible Recordings Finished
International Leaders Equipped in Bible Engagement
0 +

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